Crisis Respite and Independent Supported Living 

ATCC Agency Supported Living 

ATCC Agency Supported Living 

Reading Berkshire and Woking Surrey Group Residence 
Furnished Individual Bedrooms 
Furnished Common Living Spaces, 
Furnished Kitchen, and other amenities. 
24 Hours Support, 7 Days per week. 

Step down mental health support 

Step down mental health support 

Short-term accommodation for individuals transitioning from inpatient services. 
Holistic approach through Multi-Disciplinary Team support strategy to patient recovery. 
Available 24 /7 Live-in Support Workers whose care practices are regulated by CQC. 
Patient referrals accepted from external support partners and acute care professionals. 


Our goals are to support people aged 18+ with mental health challenges to live fulfilling lives; building 
confidence and life skills required to optimize their potential in establishing the foundations for an independent living. We provide safe and secure access to affordable living environment whilst working closely with residents and other community partners; in offering effective support in developing and delivering a personalised patient support strategy that creates the foundations of an enriched lifestyle. 

ATCC Supported Accommodation 

ATCC Supported Accommodation 

We believe that supported living is the first step towards mental wellness. We offer flexible and responsive approaches to assist people with mental health secure and maintain housing to optimise health and social outcomes. We promote Live Independently and Feeling Enabled (LIFE) approach. 



We provide supported housing to adults with low level mental health needs. Our structured package of tailored support uses the Recovery Star Model to establish a personal support plan, that enables residence to effectively identify their needs and to achieve their personal goals. Their progress is regularly monitored and reviewed with the plan updated to reflect any changing needs. Residents receive support based on needs assessment 

Our services offer environments where people are encouraged to take control of their lives and build on their skills and strengths. Our highly trained staff offer a wide range of tailored support, advice and assistance including the following: 

Developing a healthy lifestyle. 
Managing personal finances 
Creating personal sustenance skills 
Accessing education and employment. 
Supportive counselling. 
Medications and symptom management 



We provide recovery-oriented, community –integrated housing that focuses on improved quality of life and enhanced independence for people experiencing mental health issues. Our houses are located in a quiet residential area, within walking distance to shops, bus route and community amenities. Bedrooms are fully furnished and individuals can personalize their space. People share a lounge, bathroom, kitchen and a backyard. 


Short-term stay with 24 hour crisis support. 
Transitional step after hospital stay. 
Respite based of individual needs. 
Independent supported living assessments. 
Providing crisis intervention and recovery. 
Use of flexible responsive approach. 
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